Saturday, May 7, 2011

Donald Trump

I am very ashamed to admit that for a split second there, I seriously considered voting for Donald Trump should he runs for presidency. "WWWHHHHYYYY?" was the response I got every time I said that. My answer is simple: desperation.

Our country is going to hell in a hand basket. We have the lovely Republicans on one end of the spectrum just wanting to let the Rich keep their money, then we have the lovely Democrat that just wants to throw money to the poor. (To clarify, I'm okay with welfare helping those that needed a temporary help to get back on their feet; I'm very NOT okay to those who consider welfare as a lifetime career. If you can sit in front of the computer for 5+ hours playing video game, you can get an effing job. You don't have a mental problem that make you unable to work at least a part time job.) I want to see a "cafeteria" president who can pick and choose the doctrines he/she believes in. If you are not even capable of independent analytical thinking, how can I trust you to run our country?

So... I thought Trump might offer a sliver of hope that can perhaps derail this train from it's destined doom. My hope was not long lived. He started the whole birther thing... which at first we just thought he was creating some spotlight on himself, getting notice. After the publication of President Obama's long form birth certificate and listening to Trump's response. "I accomplished something nobody did before." THAT was his response? I finally realized that the whole he wanted to run for president thing was probably just a hoax, to get some attention for as long as he could.

Where? Where is this independent president that we so desperately need?

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