Thursday, May 12, 2011

Creationism back in college, being an anthropology major, I've already learned that using the mitochondria DNA in human, the origin of all mankind was traced back to one African female, approximately 20,000 years ago. Interestingly enough, this fact can support both evolution or creationism, depending on your perspective. Being a strong Darwinian believer, I naturally take that as evidence of evolution, although I have always thought of it as the "Eve's theory." It was only until a few months ago when I heard that all mankind came from a male and a female 20,000 years ago, and that the "Bible had that right" (said in a joking manner). I have no idea why I never put one and one together. If the mitochondria DNA traced back to one female, more likely than not it's from the same male and female. After all, while a male can technically produce enough sperms in his lifetime to impregnate every female in the world, a female can have very limited number of offspring in her lifetime (I guess she could still have multiple partners). That really got me thinking. Let's be honest, the Bible is never known for it's logic, even the moral stories that did not involve any miracles. They always left me thinking, "What the hell? How does that make any sense? What exactly is the lesson here?" Again, these are not the ones that involved miracles. So, when the science inadvertently supported the Bible, perhaps there are some merits to it.

Nowadays, it's almost hip to talk about sustainability etc, etc. And even though I'm not in a field that can assist/improve on our environmental sustainability, I like to think about it. Food for thought, you know? And as far as energy sustainability is concerned, the ultimate solution is going to have to be solar and/or wind power (or tidal, I guess). And recently I have listened to this other TED talk -- Angela Belcher: Using nature to grow batteries. It is almost, almost, as though there is a creator after all. It is almost as though everything is by design, that every pieces needed to solve the puzzle has been placed here, and we just have to figure out how to utilize them. It is almost eerie.

However, before we start rejoicing on my conversion from evolution to creationism, let's not forget that alien intervention can also explain the exact same phenomena. I still do not believe in an all-caring God who loves all of his creatures. Nobody can believe that literally, just look at all the sufferings on earth -- earth really consists of more than just US, and I'm by no means suggesting that we don't have any form of sufferings in our country. In fact, in I have to make an analogy, the earth is almost like an ant farm, we put in the soil, we put in the nutrients, we put in the ants. They really exist for our entertainment. While the owner of the ant farm doesn't want all the ants to die -- then there will be no farm -- he/she certainly does not concern about the well being of each individual. Taking this analogy one step further, who is to say the "truth" is not that while we create ant farms, and "alien/God" created earth, and that they, in turn, are ant farms to other existence? In the end, none of us can figure out what the point is, in this lifetime. Or perhaps, if there is a point at all, or, who's at the very top of the chain... and what is the purpose of all these?

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