Saturday, May 21, 2011

Do Normal Girls Hate Goddess Like Girls -- A Closer Look

First of all, I would like to say that I don't have anything against pretty girls, especially if they are nice. As much as we normal females would like to think that pretty women are mean and/or stupid, qualities like beauty, intelligence, and niceness are, unfortunately, not mutually exclusive. Fortunately, being a 40 year old woman in a happy marriage I don't discriminate, I like eye-candies of both genders. Then what is the problem? You may ask.

The problem came with the way men behave around goddess-like females. Let's be honest, we all know that men think with a certain part of their anatomy other than their brains. The symptom is particularly obvious with a pretty girl around. I want to clarify that I have no problems with most of men's behaviors around pretty girls. It is entirely okay that when a pretty girl enters the room, all men will swarm them, like bees attracted to honey, as a Chinese saying would say. As I have stated above, I'm in a happy relationship, I am not going to stand between a man and their shot as procreation, especially with a pretty woman. That is, assuming my husband is not one of those men. :) If a man wants to bend over backward for a woman, whether he has a shot of getting laid or not, that's his prerogative. What is not okay is when their acts of showing fondness towards said females infringe on the rights of other women around. For example, if a man wants to pay for goddess's meal, by all means. If he wants to give up his seat for her, by all means. What is not okay is to suggest that Goddess should eat free, and the bill should be divided among the remainder of the group, both males and females. Look, I am not shooting to get laid with Goddess, even if she's willing to. I have no vested interest. Anything that infringes on my share/perceived share will cause me to harbor negative feelings for Goddess.

In short, we normal girls really don't have anything against goddesses, other than maybe a tinge of jealousy. It's the men around them that made us dislike them.

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