Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Verbal Diarrhea

Not even sure how I learned of the saying "verbal diarrhea," but I've consulted urban dictionary prior to sitting down and typing this up so at least I know it's a "real saying" and I didn't just make it up in my head.

I feel that the term verbal diarrhea is extremely fitting and we've all had diarrhea so there is no need to go into the technical details here. What I wanted to say is, I've been blogging on and off for about seven years now, and I've tried very hard to keep my online persona separated to my real life one. I value internet anonymity and this generation of oversharing really eludes me (and according to whatever spell check blogger is using, "oversharing," as of the time this is written, is not yet considered a real word). I don't blog about extreme hate stuff like racism or anything else, but let's be honest, half the stuff that I like to talk about on my blog are probably not the best subject to broach with a coworker. And you never know who is going to see what online and it might negatively impact me one day. But, as I become more comfortable with my online personality I started getting careless, and my online and real life identity started to merge. After a few painful months of mulling, I finally decided to give up my alias the I have so loved for the last seven years and adopt a new one.

As painful as it was to make that decision, all of a sudden I can write without filter again and that was a good feeling. Being able to write unfiltered was not exactly like verbal diarrhea, but definitely felt like some good bowel movement after a long time of constipation. =D

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